There’s been a little flutter of excitement around the net. Google Chrome, Google’s very own browser, has crept up in the ranks to become Browser Number Three. The browser, which gained a significant market share speedily after its release, seems to have settled into a significant place in web browsing.
You wouldn’t think that a user’s choice of browser had much effect on Dental SEO, and usually the effects are very small. With Google Chrome, however, the intimate connection with Google does change things. As the browser features an easy switch between straight-to-site and search, which means that users are more likely to use the search engine to get to their chosen address. The search engine optimisation community realised the significance of this browser’s changes early on, and a very close watch has been kept on its progress.
That watch returned exciting results over the first few months of Chrome usage. Initially, it seemed like Google’s foray into browser design would be even more successful than its search engine ventures, with usage sharply climbing from its release date. After a couple of months, however, users returned to their old favourites. Now, the excitement is back after it was revealed that Google Chrome is the third-most used browser.
It’s very interesting news that Google Chrome, after just over a year, seems to have edged Apple’s Safari out. The browser’s advancement has been a slow one, but very steady, and between 2009 and 2010 Chrome has gained around half a point of market share over Safari. The usage statistics don’t set Chrome too far ahead of the competition, but the change is a significant one in an industry that hasn’t seen many upsets.
All things taken into consideration, Google Chrome being the third most popular browser isn’t saying that much. Internet Explorer and Firefox are still very much in the lead, with Google Chrome steadily lagging behind Firefox by 20% and Internet Explorer by almost 60%. Saying that Google Chrome is the third most popular browser is much like stating that Bing is the third most popular search engine.
Much like Bing, though, the position of Google Chrome does give site owners some food for thought. Bing has yet to live up to Microsoft’s hopes of climbing over Yahoo! to challenge Google. Despite this, its very presence has shaken up the industry and it continues to be a factor. Similarly, Google Chrome, and its search implications, has made site owners and Dental SEO experts alike begin to reassess their long-term internet plans. These kinds of changes will impact on every site owner’s plans, and you can discuss your possible concerns with our experts at Dental SEO Company.
The very fact that Google ventured into the world of browsers is an indication of where the company is headed in the future. The company appears to be concentrating more and more on enabling internet access and providing a valuable experience to all users. Analysis of all of Google’s operations will continue to inform the Dental SEO process. Monitoring of change has never been more vital.