The news came today that consumer purchases from high street shops is the lowest it has been for several years, with only food and grocery sales maintaining a steady pattern. Although several theories exist as to why the market is suffering, I think we can safely say it’s down to online shopping.
Internet deals are substantially lower than off the shelf offers, simply because overheads are none existent. With so many price comparison sites such as Kelkoo, Pricerunner and more recently Google Products any internet user has the power of a days shopping with a click of button.
Lets not forget ebay. The online auction site has stepped up its television advertising in the months running up to Christmas and has sustained immeasurable success in recent years. Even my computer illiterate father has learned to use it! Just as an example of its user friendliness.
My final point on the matter is the miserable prospect of queues, squabbling over the last item in the shop, intolerable store music and Sahara like air conditioning temperatures in the shops. When buying online you do so from the comfort of your own home, a massive selling point for many.
At Dental SEO Company we realise the importance of online selling and that being on the first page on the major search engines. This outlay of expense is of great benefit long term, with our Dental SEO programme we aim for a site to be on the first page between anything from 3 to 12 months. We can also offer product feeds setup so you appear on the price comparison sites mentioned earlier, and to further promote your online presence why not look into PPC management with Click Consult. Use the links below to fill in our easy to use contact forms:
Click Here for information on Dental SEO and shopping feeds, Dental SEO Company
Click Here for PPC Management, Click Consult