What is E Commerce?
E Commerce, or electronic business, can describe a business which is run on the internet and uses online technology to improve its brand awareness and in the process, its profits. In other words, it refers exclusively to an Internet Business. It takes the place of a traditional storefront, and gives the owner the added benefit of attracting traffic from all over the world to their store.
Why is E Commerce Important?
It definatley affects decision making as it speeds up the process between placing an order and delivery. It will help improve procurement and supply which makes for more effective sales teams and if a sales department is producing, everyone wins.
It allows outsourcing functions in your business, like accounting and links teams from different locations, improving overheads. And it can be used as a collection bin which captures information that can then be used to improve customer relations, and improved service.
Dental SEO and E Commerce
Without E Commerce, there would be no need for Dental SEO, and without Dental SEO there would be no E Commerce. So it stands to reason that if you do not optimise both the success of e-business can be affected.
Whether your only business in online, or if you only use your website as a place to advertise your product, inform dentists where your traditional stores are or just field questions, you still need it to be found easily and this will only happen if you optimise the position of your site in a search engine.
Unlike traditional businesses, conducting business electronically needs to follow the guidelines of professional Dental SEO services because it opens up the possibilities of worldwide sales, and this relies on having a proper design for your site as well as good content and will aid in high rankings on search engines. All of which helps gain worldwide visibility which in turn helps leverage E Commerce.
Not only is Dental SEO good for your business as it generates traffic to your site, and the more traffic you attract, they higher your conversion rate is, or should be, but it will effectively confirm that shopping online is reliable, easy and safe, encouraging more businesses to change to E Commerce. Only a few short years ago letting someone else take care of the content on your site worked, but today E Commerce is everyone’s business. It is a 24 hour a day, 365 days per year meeting place where dentists or visitors expect to actively communicate with you.
At the end of the day it is not only about giving the client a way to shop online, but it is also about creating a path, or avenue which allows them to find what they want, and this entails supplying and embedding the correct keywords or phrases they they will use in their search as well as linking from other sites. As well as this, other methods, like meta tags or registering your site on all Major Search Engines helps visitors find results through their searches. Having search engine friendly sites which can be read by automated programs like ‘spiders’ all help in adding pages to search engine databases, and if an e-business site is in the database, it will show results for both owner and client.