Keyword stuffing is seen as unethical Dental SEO
Keyword stuffing is one of the unethical Dental SEO techniques. It involves stuffing an article with repeated keywords and keyphrases to try and obtain as high a web presence as possible. Keyword stuffing generally occurs when people write a whole lot of keywords and place them at the bottom of a page or even all over a page and ultimately do not provide any valuable information to the visitors.
How do you know if you are keyword stuffing?
Sometimes when one is writing an article they may accily use your keywords too often and the search engine bots may pick that up as keyword stuffing. Consequently, your website may be banned (quite innocently of course).
Thus, when you are busy writing articles or blogs to promote your Dental SEO campaign ensure to use keywords sparingly, because more than often one may end up using keywords repeatedly subconsciously. It is recommended to make use of a copywriter that knows the rules and knows how to write articles with valuable contents.
Writing with the correct keyword density kept in mind
You may decide to do the writing yourself so that you can provide valuable information and become personally involved in your readers so that you can create a good network. Subsequently, you will watch out for keyword density of your article.
Keywords density is basically the percentage of the frequency of the appearance of your keyword in the content part of the webpage. A safe keyword density would then be between 2% to 10% so that the search engine will pick it as significant and not spam.