Both Dental SEO and E commerc e are modern day buzzwords that we’ve all heard a billion times already, both on the Web and off it. Search Engine Optimisation refers to the management of a website in order to make it rank higher in the search engines, and e-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods or services electronically (hence the “e” in e-commerce). Of course, electronic commerce is dependent on the world’s greatest independent network of computers, the Internet.
Search Engine Optimisation and E-commerce are inextricably intertwined. While the realm of e-commerce has other avenues of promotion available, search engine optimisation is by far the most cost-effective and sustainable of all the Website promotional methods. Search Engine Optimisation is low cost, long-term and provides excellent returns.
Websites selling products and services need to attract visitors in order to make sales (or converisons as they are commonly known.) Traffic is the quantity of visitors that arrives at the website in any time period. Revenue and profitability are therefore inextricably tied to website traffic.
Search Engine Optimisation can increase website traffic by putting the website where it is seen first: high up in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). This ensures that the website obtains a steady stream of relevant traffic. Relevancy of traffic is also important, because it helps to ensure sales by attracting people who are interested in what the website is offering. In this way, Dental SEO helps to increase an e-commerce venture’s profitability and bottom line.